Thursday, April 26, 2007

Word of the Day


def: cheerful readiness to do something

Friday, April 20, 2007

Sun Songs

"They found that explosive events at the Sun's surface appear to trigger acoustic waves that bounce back and forth between both ends of the loops, a phenomenon known as a standing wave.
"These magnetic loops are analogous to a simple guitar string," von Fay-Siebenburgen explained. "If you pluck a guitar string, you will hear the music.""

to read more, go to

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Slingshot v. Sword

David was trained up by the Lord as a shepherd and as a warrior who wielded a shepherd's weapons. When he went into battle, David did not take the armor and the sword that were the conventional equipment for battle at that time. He stood as a shepherd warrior with the weapons of a shepherd warrior.

I believe there is an awesome picture there of Jesus our Warrior Shepherd who stands to defend us from our enemy. David was "just a boy". Jesus is the Son of His Father. This picture fly's in the face of every conventional thought of battle. Imagine, a young man representing an entire nation in a one-on-one hand to hand battle to the death with a nine-foot-something soldier.

David did not fight this particular battle the way that the average soldier would. He did not use the usual accoutrements. When I was growing up, I always knew this to be a perfect example of how our battles are not fought in the same way that “the world” fights battles – that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, etc. etc. But think about this, the people telling David to wear armor and carry a sword were not “the world” but rather , they were the people of God in that day.

So when I go into battle and the Holy Spirit tells me to approach it differently than I have heard preached and yet exactly as I have seen Him manifest in my life countless times, I must surrender my own plan and the opinions of those around me and allow Him to reveal Himself in a fresh new way.

I do not believe that David was rebelling against authority or anything like that. He was following the instruction of the Lord – instruction that had been created in Him from the life He led as a shepherd spending time in the presence of God. The instruction that he received from the Lord was very different than what was “normal”. It was not the usual. It was not the tested and tried way. It was done in such a way that would make this young man seem foolish, unprotected and unarmed when in reality he was very protected, powerfully armed and wise beyond the people of that day.

We cannot be afraid to believe that the crazy non-normal unsafe looking way that Father is directing us to walk is the direction He is asking us to walk. We must trust him, rely on him to be able to direct us and surrender ourselves to it. If we cannot do this, if we cannot defy every learned, formulated even "Christian" standard and walk out into the valley with nothing but a slingshot and five stones, we will never see the giant fall.

I believe that God has been building into each of us a manifestation of Himself to the world and to the Body of Christ. I desperately desire to know how it is that HE plans to reveal Himself to us through each of us and through the Bride as a whole. I know that He is speaking, calling to her, wooing her, luring her and loving her – romancing her in the greatest Love story ever; a story written by Love Himself.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Because March wasn't over yet...

This was across the street from where I live..