In a city there are many lights and because there is so much light emanating from the ground, the starlight doesn’t quite make it to our eyes. Excess or obtrusive light created by humans, which obscures stars, is referred to as “light pollution”. But there are millions and millions of them out there. And each one is a testimony of God's love. (Ps. 136:5-9)
In the city, the stars we do see are wondrous. It is amazing to see a few stars and realize that their light reaches us through all of the light pollution around us. But go out to the country (or better yet, the ocean!) and look up. You will be suddenly overwhelmed at the number of lights up there! Look, stare, and you will begin to discern swirls of stars farther away – and beyond those, even more. Like layers and layers going deeper and deeper and each individual one speaks of God’s love for you.
Pause, and allow yourself to be overwhelmed!
Our day-to-day living is full of love notes from God – reminders of his pursuit of us. Even in the busyness of everyday stuff, His love reaches us every now and then. Little postcards, by His grace, come our way. But he longs to overtake us and overwhelm us and to do this, He draws us to a place where the “light pollution” is turned off. A place where the simple distractions of normal things can be put aside, even locked away, and He can have you all to yourself – so that He can “show you the stars”.
Where is your night sky - the one uninterrupted by earthly things? Maybe it is your living room in the early morning hours. Perhaps it is your bedroom with the door locked and phone turned off. Maybe it’s in your car in a remote parking lot in a forest preserve. Whatever that place is, fight to keep it! Go to it as often as He draws you. It will be for you a place of life, peace, joy and healing.
Make a place for this. Make time for this. Let it be the moment that you turn your eyes to the skies and even though the night is dark, His love will break the darkness and wash over you layer after layer as He draws you deeper and deeper into His love. Let Him overwhelm you. Let Him indulge Himself!
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