Wednesday, June 13, 2012

A City and a Bride?

The Bride of Christ.  Its a phrase we have heard many times - or perhaps very few depending on your circle of friends.  The most well known reference is probably the one in the book of Revelation. But today I read one in the book of Isaiah.  Yes, Isaiah.  I am one of those people who love to read the old prophets.  Don’t get me wrong, I bathe myself in the New Testament frequently but still I dip back into the old.  Its full of rich stuff and lots of promises - all of which Jesus came to fulfill.  Its constantly talking about Him and although the references can be hidden, He reveals Himself and His relationship with us to the seeking ones even in the old prophets.  Such was the case today.

“Never Again will you be called “The Forsaken City” or “The Desolate Land” Your new name will be “The City of God’s Delight” and “The Bride of God” for the Lord Delights in you and will claim you as His bride.  .... Then God will rejoice over you as a Bridegroom rejoices over His Bride.” (Isaiah 62:5 NLT)

I love the imagery of the City.  I know this was spoken originally to a people of an actual city but it was also a prophetic word given by the Holy Spirit to the people of God.  As you know, the Word of God is incredibly full and multifaceted. So when David talks about being poured out like water he may be speaking of his own self during a terrible season of his life but prophetically he was speaking of the Messiah Who would pour out His life like a drink offering.  When Kills a lamb to clothe Adam and Eve, it was also a prophetic act which spoke of the Lamb of God who would be sacrificed for us.  So when I see this reference to a city when God is prophetically speaking to HIs people.  Its easy to see He is talking about me, about us, His people.  Because His Words are eternal. 

I love the imagery of the city because it seems a more comprehensive portrayal of us as people.  Imagine if you will, any major city in America with its diverse population - diverse not only in ethnicity but even from person to person. No one is the same, we are all unique.  Given that His City - His people - are the people of God, those who bear His name, it is intriguing to me to think about.  “From every tribe and tongue and people and nation you have made us a kingdom of priests unto our God.”  What an amazing people!  

Then theres the personal level - Its like it includes me in all of my daily context. My weaknesses, my failures, my strengths, my worship, my hidden alleys of filth, my sparkling capital steps, the railway of my mental meandering,  my storage houses of memories and pain, my factory of offense, my soup kitchen of acceptance and my orphanage of random things.  When I say all that I am, I imagine a city. 

And He loves me - all that I am.  He “takes great delight in me”. He calls me His bride - his very own.  I belong to Him. Wow.

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